I had a dream about Tom Hanks last night.
Maybe it was because I just finished reading The Green Mile. That might be my favorite Stephen King book.
Or maybe it was influenced by Polar Express melodies dominating the airwaves.
Or maybe it was because my glove bears the name of his Castaway friend.
Tom Hanks was dressed like his Jimmy Dugan character from A League of Their Own. Standing on the top step of some unknown dugout, he was yelling out words of encouragement during the last catch-playing event of the year.
I told Bethany about the dream and she laughed, but she also understood.
“I used to watch A League of Their Own at the beginning of every season. I love that movie.”
She enjoyed hearing my stories of playing catch with Mary (Day #152) and Terry (Day #250).
Bethany is from Wellsville, Missouri which is the one part of the state I don’t know all that, ahem, well. She played both basketball and softball — catcher and third base — bless her knees. Yesterday, she celebrated her three-year anniversary at People Centric Consulting Group where she works as an operations specialist.
“I empower people to take ownership of the things they do and work in their strengths.”
I think my strength is the overall straightness of all of my throws, although I’ve greatly improved at scooping short-hops and built up an endurance to catching balls on the palm, thanks to the old Wilson.
Bethany’s best day on the diamond happened with her travel team.
“We were in Oklahoma in a national tournament, just battling it out. If we scored, they scored and it got to the point where we lost track of how many innings we had played. Finally, eventually, my team came out on top. Everyone contributed and it was just such a good win for the team.”
She misses the camaraderie and friendships of travel ball, but also thoroughly enjoys where she’s at.
“At times, this year, I have felt so lost. But I’ve grown so much through those times, too. At just the right moment, at just the right time, you discover that God’s been with you the entire time, preparing you for where God wants you to be.”
Still thinking about Almost Dr. Wapp’s question from yesterday, I asked for any advice she might have about moving forward.
“Don’t let fear stop you. You can’t be afraid to ask questions or take a risk.”
A cool wind blew across the practice field adjacent to Neil Pittman Field at Kickapoo as we played catch. Bethany used her third baseman’s mitt, also a Wilson. I kept moving to try and keep my toes warm while we shared stories of friends in common.
Bethany’s thinking about driving home this weekend to make Christmas cookies with her siblings and mom. After catch, as we parted ways, I wished her safe travels and made one request.
“Please bring back some cookies to share?”