I have never officially been diagnosed with Seasonal Affective Disorder, but going too many days without seeing blue skies and bright sunshine definitely darkens my mood. I’m already dreading the snowfall forecast for this weekend. Hopefully, whoever agrees to play catch on Saturday will have a good sense of humor and four-wheel drive.
Bethany was responsible for inviting me and coordinating the details for me to tell stories and play catch with friends at Creekside at Elfindale (Day #282). She hit the December weather lottery for today’s game of catch.
“I’m headed back to Canada in just a couple of weeks. I’m pretty familiar with the cold.”
I was confused why anyone would head north in the middle of winter.
After completing grad school at MSU with a degree in Health Administration, Bethany joined Youth With a Mission and spent time on a sailboat in Belize.
“My time there revolutionized my faith. It changed my perspective on pretty much everything.”
I am pretty certain I could handle being in the Caribbean right now.
After Belize, Bethany agreed to a four-month internship working with a missionary couple in Nicaragua, helping teach basic business skills and practices to teenagers. She knew no Spanish before moving and learned the language from people on the street.
“It’s a pretty humbling when your Spanish is translated into Spanish.”
The four months turned out to be almost four years. After taking a couple months to readjust to life back in the US, Bethany started working at Creekside and loves the opportunities she gets as the Life Enrichment Coordinator.
“We tend to get caught up with our to do lists. It is so important to take the time to completely relate to each person, living out, as much as possible, that whoever is in front of you at that moment is the most important person in your life.”
That is exactly what playing catch teaches us. Your catch partner, whoever he or she might be, is the most important person. Whether inside or outside, whether in the snow or rain or sun, time spent playing catch is soul-shaping fun, stretching muscles and sharing life with another person.
On the downtown field, sharing stories about going to ballgames with family and friends, I soaked up all the rays I possibly could while we played catch.
“So, why are you going to Canada?” I asked.
“I was there last January for a couple weeks helping cook meals for those serving in Quebec. While I was there, there were a couple days when it was actually colder here in Springfield than it was in Canada.”
Yes, Josh (Day #16) and I remember that day quite well.