Being on the road the last couple of weeks, I have missed my Sunday catch-playing friends. Harper snagged me after worship and filled me in on the latest news. He doubled in his game yesterday on the way to an 8 – 6 victory. Atticus and Sophie also joined in on the parking lot game of catch which resulted in several baseballs with cool asphalt scars.
My family made plans with Jeff (Day #24), who is getting ready to start a new adventure, and Jamie (Day #93), who just returned from an adventure in Ireland, for a cashew chicken lunch.
Ava and Carolina had expressed interest in meeting for a game of catch.
“It just seems like a lot of fun,” Ava said.
“I’ve always wanted to give baseball a shot,” said Carolina.
The two are sisters (stepsisters) as the result of a blended marriage, which is another word for adventure. Ava loves to read and would like to be a doctor; Carolina is fascinated by dance and would like to be a teacher. I’m sure they fight like any sisters do — sharing can be such a fine line — but they are also quite complimentary towards one another.
Both families went to the nearby school playground. I was grateful for a tree whose shade cast wide enough for all of us to play catch. Though Carolina writes lefty, she prefers to throw a ball with her right hand. She asked to borrow a glove and tried on multiple, left and right, before deciding. She chose the new Wilson, of course, so I used Dad’s Wilson from 1970 which was recently re-strung and still needs to be re-broken in. Ava likes to throw the ball hard and caught me with a curveball question, “Did you like playing catch with my dad and Eli?”
What a small, small world.
Jeff and Kaylea also joined in and we played catch longer than the twins lasted on the swings and running around the park. I gave the girls one of the parking lot balls to keep so they could continue practicing on their own at home. The game was a perfect precursor of a Sunday afternoon nap.
After I woke up from my dreamless slumber, Jamie sent me a message.
“Just noticed this on our big calendar. The girls loved playing catch!”
Carefully written on today’s date were the words, “A and C play catch,” followed by a large smiley face.