“Don’t play ball inside!”
I probably should have a t-shirt with that motto on it. Over the years, with good reason, numerous adults have said those words to me. I’ve broken that rule and, as a result, broken various household items. I ...
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Catch 365
In 2018, Ethan played catch every day with a partner. You can find the book he wrote about it here.
Day #51
An Ode to Spring Training
Blue skies and sunscreen and the cracking of bats
Autograph hounds, the breaking in of new hats
Pop-pop-popping of gloves and smiles for days
Wide-eyed rookies learn to follow the veterans’ ways
Hope-filled dreams ...
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Day #50
At church, Lael sent her people (Josh of Day #16) to talk with my people to coordinate calendars for a game of catch. Today was that day.
I was supposed to play catch with Lael while my daughter got her ears lowered, but the heavens opened ...
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Day #49
Sundays are for doubleheaders.
Harper greeted me with glove and bagels in hand at church this morning and I saw him lick his glove.
“There was cream cheese on it.”
No judgment from me. During my playing days, I chewed on every lace on my ...
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Day #48
Wilson-glove bearing Mary Ellen
“I have a twin, he’s older,
we grew up playing catch for fun”
graduate student at MSU
thesis finally complete
professional wrestler of words
baseball essayist
and Bears poet laureate
overcomer of ...
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