While reading Steven Pressfield’s The Authentic Swing: Notes From the Writing of a First Novel I came across these words:
“Keats spoke of ‘negative capability.’ He meant the ability to keep functioning with confidence even when you don’t ...
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Catch 365
In 2018, Ethan played catch every day with a partner. You can find the book he wrote about it here.
Day #56
In a few days, she will turn 17. In a few weeks, she will start visiting colleges. In a few months, she will be on an educational tour of Europe.
I don’t understand how that is possible when just last week she was leaning in close while I ...
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Day #55
A good friend suggested I check out White Brothers Baseball in Fordland since flash-flood inducing rain forced me to find an indoor game of catch. I sent an email and waited with fingers crossed.
“If you want to play catch, come to ...
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Day #54
Officer Boomgaarden is a 6’10” Police Area Representative officer with the Springfield Police Department who worked until midnight last night and still agreed to a game of catch this morning.
He greeted me in full uniform, including the ...
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Day #53
Whenever I “retire” I want to throw rolls at Lambert’s Café.
I was about 10-years old the first time my family went to Lambert’s, the original one in Sikeston, Missouri. I remember watching Norman Lambert push pans of rolls around the ...
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