The Conservatory of Music and Dance at University of Missouri – Kansas City.
Kaylea’s first college visit.
So many questions and uncertainties.
I remember walking the campus of SMSU with Mom for my only college visit, uncertain of what ...
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Catch 365
In 2018, Ethan played catch every day with a partner. You can find the book he wrote about it here.
Day #70
In January, Ray sent me an email.
First, I’m still a flip-phone guy, so we’re similar in that vein.
I’m a wheelchair softball player, and we’re working now to bring the National Wheelchair Softball Association World Series to ...
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Day #69
Colten spent three weeks in the neonatal intensive care unit after he was born. In the days that followed, I wrote a song for him and sang it to him in front of his mom, a couple of nurses, and the countless angels in that sacred space. To ...
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Day #68
“My older brother Dave taught me to play catch. His approach was simple, ‘Learn to catch…or die.’”
When Debbie first said this, I laughed and commented that it would make a good t-shirt motto. Then I learned that Dave was 13 years older ...
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Day #67
I was a feminist long before I got married or became a dad to two daughters or before the word became such a weighty and divisive term.
All my life, I have had strong women who taught me and challenged me and shaped the way I live and ...
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