Monday night is Miracle League night.
The bleachers were packed with fans who cheered every single at bat. The field was full of players, each with their buddy, some with two. There was a southpaw on the mound tonight, tossing pitches with ...
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Catch 365
In 2018, Ethan played catch every day with a partner. You can find the book he wrote about it here.
Day #112
I knew this day would come eventually. There have been colds in and out of my house for the last two months. It was just a matter of time until my immune system gave in. I haven’t slept well for the last few nights. No cough. No fever. Just ...
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Day #111 – Part 2
“Hey Dad, can we play catch?”
It was Kaylea. She wanted a break from math homework. With the sun shining bright and storms coming tonight, I was perfectly content for a second game of catch. I can always fold laundry after the sun sets and ...
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Day #111
Today’s game of catch was also a day of catching up.
I have known Patrick since my freshman year of college at MSU. We met at the Baptist Student Union where we played ping pong and pool and foosball as well as attended Bible studies and ...
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Day #110
With no school this morning, Kaylea and Sophie slept in while I worked on words. When Rick called to let me know the van was fixed, Kaylea shuttled me to pick it up. We pulled in to All-Pro just as the batting cages opened, so after paying ...
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