I love the feeling of the seams beneath my fingertips.
It takes about a week to make a major league baseball. Seven days to create something which will only survive an average of six pitches before it becomes a hopefully sacred souvenir. ...
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Catch 365
In 2018, Ethan played catch every day with a partner. You can find the book he wrote about it here.
Day #117
When Kaylea plays violin in the band at church, she goes to practice a couple hours early on Sunday mornings. Since I’m now old and wake up involuntarily at the crack of dawn, I enjoy going with her. We stop for mochas on the way and I love ...
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Day #116
Dear Reed Academy Eighth Graders,
In Shoeless Joe, the book that inspired the movie Field of Dreams, Kinsella wrote, “If I had my life to live over again, I’d take more chances. I’d want more passion in my life. Less fear and more passion, ...
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Day #115
The Springfield Cardinals and NW Arkansas Naturals canceled today because of the rain, which ruined the early morning thought I had of surprising Jamie and her students at the game. Tonight’s Miracle League games also canceled as did every ...
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Day #114
Sometimes life throws curveballs.
In 2005, the same year as his 20th wedding anniversary, Adam filed for and was granted disability.
“When people ask me what I’m thankful for, I always say disability. Through it I’ve found my calling to ...
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