To attempt any kind of every-day-of-the-year project, you have to be slightly crazy.
Playing catch in -15 degree wind chills. Crazy.
Driving 5,000 miles to connect with catch-playing friends. Crazy.
And I know the people who **have yet ...
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Catch 365
In 2018, Ethan played catch every day with a partner. You can find the book he wrote about it here.
Day #192
“If I could have done anything, I would have been a baseball player,” Professor Dan said.
As soon as Dan said this I knew I had made a new friend, even if he was wearing a Cardinals hat.
Long before he had educational aspirations, Dan ...
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Day #191
On January 6, before I had any idea what I was doing or what this project would become or where it would take me and my family, I played catch with Thor. Friends who are also superheroes are in short supply. He met me near the Miracle ...
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Day #190
It will be July 26th (or so) before my family is back together again. Jamie and Sophie left this morning to go to youth camp at Logan Valley Christian Retreat, one of the best retreat centers on the planet. Matt (Day #35) is on staff and ...
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Day #189
Dad said he wanted to feel that nervous adrenaline rush on the first tee again.
“You know, that zing?” he said with a twinkle in his eye.
He heard about a 2-man scramble golf tournament and tried to talk me into it.
“It’s at Island Green ...
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