Tropical Storm Gordon was a faithful travel companion all the way to Kansas City. Wind and rain and heavy clouds were interrupted by the rhythmic clicking of the windshield wipers. I stopped at the halfway point to check messages only to ...
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Catch 365
In 2018, Ethan played catch every day with a partner. You can find the book he wrote about it here.
Day #249
Before I perfected my benchwarming skills at Kickapoo, for the summer between junior high and high school, I practiced my benchwarming skills at Parkview. Occasionally I pitched or played middle infield or corner outfield, but mostly I ...
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Day #248
A tale of two Ethans.
Ethan Forhetz has been a journalist and reporter for more than 23 years. He knows a thing or two about newsworthy stories.
“When I was in elementary school, my class took a field trip to Busch Stadium. We sat near ...
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Day #247
I am stranger #111 in Brent's project.
I became stranger #111 because of his hilariously creative email.
I started getting white hair in 5th grade, had a unibrow, have a blue and a brown eye and an obvious birth defect that it is ...
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Day #246
At the age of 3, Greg’s hand got caught in the sliding door of an elevator. Firefighters were called in for rescue.
“No broken fingers, that time,” Greg said.
He showed me the scar on his bionic elbow that looked similar to a Tommy John ...
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