Pablo Picasso once said, “Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.”
Sophie’s paintings have covered our extra-long kitchen table, a table that comfortably seats 10. Mostly watercolor scenes of ...
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Catch 365
In 2018, Ethan played catch every day with a partner. You can find the book he wrote about it here.
Day #259
Shane stepped in the fast cage at Fun Acre and swung the 40-ounce bat first. Of course, after watching him, I had to try and swing a bat that weighed the same as that which Josh Gibson, Babe Ruth, and Shoeless Joe Jackson used. I made ...
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Day #258
Shane and Shaun (Day #153) made it to Springfield for our second game of catch. I watched the Dodgers playing the Cardinals in St. Louis as Shaun texted me while his brother drove through the city with the Arch. I found a few old baseball ...
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Day #257
I had the opportunity to help out Jeff (Day #164) and The Mystery Hour prepare for a taping. I’m a fan of learning about life behind-the-scenes, whether watching chefs cook or listening to musicians practice or eavesdropping on ...
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Day #256
“Have time for a therapy catch on Thursday?”
The text from Aaron (Days #170 and #209) caught me completely by surprise. I honestly didn’t think we’d see each other again in 2018.
“I’m in town for my grandma’s funeral and would love to ...
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