Emily is getting married today.
“Two weeks before I met him, I literally said I would rather be single my whole life than marry a Cardinals fan.”
God has such a goofy sense of humor.
Emily loves the Royals like I love the Royals. When ...
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Catch 365
In 2018, Ethan played catch every day with a partner. You can find the book he wrote about it here.
Day #298
“Spread MO Love” is the unofficial motto of Patrick’s company Phelps Grove Outfitters (PGO), a company that’s capturing the creative spirit of Missouri one t-shirt at a time. While a student at Missouri State, Patrick lived in the ...
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Day #297
How to play catch with 42 people in 15 Steps.
Get invited to Mr. Kennedy’s classroom for an author presentation.
2. Arrive early to take a selfie with Mr. Kennedy in front of one of his really cool posters.
3. Tell a somewhat ...
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Day #296
My earliest World Series memory is of the 1980 contest between the Philadelphia Phillies, who knocked out Bill Virdon’s Houston Astros, and the Kansas City Royals. My family was living in Lee’s Summit and my parents had tickets to Game 3. I ...
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Day #295
If I were in high school, I would want Chandler’s job.
Chandler is a senior at Ozark High School playing second base for Coach Essick (Day #162). I met him while hanging out at CY Sports during Sophie's taekwondo lessons. Chandler is paid ...
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