Springfield is covered in a church-and-school canceling glaze of ice.
No catch-playing double-header today.
Coach Guttin invited me to the Missouri State Bears First Pitch and Reunion event to meet the team, bid in the silent auction, and ...
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Day #41
Keith taught me the value of perseverance.
Braving the freezing drizzle, Keith drove to Springfield for a weekend vacation with his wife, Peggy — MSU Bears basketball, Postmodern Jukebox concert, and a game of catch with me.
“As soon as ...
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Day #40
I thought I remembered a story about going to the Tower Theater to watch the movie Fantasia but before the movie started the ropes that pulled back the curtain started smoking and smoke filled the theater and we had to evacuate the premises ...
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Day #39
Today’s game of catch is sponsored by Icy Hot, because I am now at the age where I can hurt myself in my sleep. I woke up with an incredibly stiff back and shoulder and applied the menthol solution almost immediately in hopes of loosening ...
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Day #38
The person I was supposed to play catch with today had to cancel due to wintery weather stuff, so I emailed Tom and asked if there was any conceivable way he’d be up for a game. I first met Tom when I worked as a grant writer for Ozarks ...
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